
Tejjy Inc. is accomplished with needful resources, technicalities, and experience to provide the best framework for commercial and residential construction, in terms of complying with LEED certification norms. Not just LEED, we are well versed with all sorts of methods available for handling construction project sustainability. This ensures about utmost sustainability meeting every standard set, which helps in lowering energy expense, carbon footprint, or simply a whole range of adverse effects on construction projects.

We are flexible about providing sustainability consulting services as well. Being an experienced and proven name in this construction arena, we are highly consulted for the projects at the highly populated urban domains, including both mega residential buildings and commercial projects. 

We are responsible enough to understand well about how much sustainability matters in modern times, especially for fresh residential projects. Feel free to consult with the experts of us at Tejjy Inc. to ensure that your project meets the highest norms set in this regard.  

With the U.S council for green building and through leadership found on the sustainable building movement, employees of Tejjy Inc. are now active participants in Net Zero Energy Buildings sustainability.

This leadership is out latest movement in taking sustainability in buildings to the next level, our leadership in net zero energy movement being prevalent in Baltimore, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. A net zero energy build is defined by producing as much renewable energy onsite as that used per annum. What this means in layman’s terms is that such buildings cannot just survive but thrive on the energy they create. Tejjy Inc.  are proud to stand at the forefront of this movement. We have the skills to design and the insight needed with the construction industry, and the vision to build such products for our clients across Baltimore and Virginia.

Everything we really have to say about the subject can be found on our mission statement “Leaving Green Footprints.”

It is our belief that the choices that we make aren’t just for today; the choices are not just for ourselves or indeed for our clients. The choice that we make today and together will leave a valuable legacy for the future and those that follow is in creating new footprints on the earth.

Our goal is to be not just the best builder in Washington DC  in Commercial & Residential Construction filed but to be the Best in America. In our statement you will find our inherent responsibility to serve the environment entrusted to us as stewards. Our committee has four basic principles that it revolves around:

  • Ensuring the sustainability is weaved into the fabric of not just some but all of our company operations
  • Encouraging every building partner and clients to consider all possible sustainable building practices very seriously
  • Bringing solutions to the table that are viable for green building
  • Training and educating our employees so that they then have the same tools we do, so that they will go on to lead the way.

Our business is in building. So, it’s up to each and every one of us to do so responsibly.



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